Hiring Foreign Trade Specialist in Fars

منقضی شده

فرآورده های لبنی رامک

The Ramek Dairy Products Company in Fars province Shiraz city invites qualified residents in Booshehr province to apply.

Foreign Trade Specialist

Male, Female
Work Experience
Not important
Job Type
Full Time


  • Bachelor of Business, Management, Commerce
  • Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
  • Language: Upper Intermediate (English)
  • Experience in sourcing and finding suitable suppliers for obtaining technical and financial proposals
  • Ability to negotiate with appropriate suppliers to obtain the best price proposal while considering the shortest delivery time
  • Proficient in the order registration process
  • Ability to perform post-order tasks including payment, inspection, and monitoring of transportation to the desired destination

Working Hours

Sunday to Thursday, from 7 to 16


Insurance Sup.Insurance Bonuses Lunch Transit Occasional Gifts Educational Grant Org Physician

Job Location

Fars province, Shiraz city
این آگهی مربوط به 28 روز پیش است و منقضی شده است بنابراین اطلاعات تماس نمایش داده نمیشود.